Annex A


Partial and correlation factors for ultimate limit states and recommended values

A.1 Partial factors and correlation factors

(1)P The partial factors γ for ultimate limit states in persistent and transient design situations, and the correlation factors ξ for pile foundations in all design situations, shall be those mentioned in this annex.

A.2 Partial factors for equilibrium limit state (EQU) verification

(1)P For the verification of equilibrium limit sate (EQU) the following partial factors on actions γF shall be applied:

  • γG;dst on destabilising unfavourable permanent actions;
  • γG;stb on stabilising favourable permanent actions;
  • γQ;dst on destabilising unfavourable variable actions;
  • γQ;stb on stabilising favourable variable actions.

NOTE The values to be ascribed to γG;dst, γG;stb, γQ;dst and γQ;stb for use in a country may be found in its National annex to EN 1990:2002. The recommended values for buildings in EN 1990:2002 are given in table A.1.

Table A.1 – Partial factors on actions (γF)
Action Symbol Value
Unfavourable a
Favourable b
Unfavourable a
Favourable b
a Destabilising
b Stabilising

(2)P For the verification of equilibrium limit state (EQU) the following partial factors on soil parameters γM shall be applied:

  • γφ' on the tangent of the angle of shearing resistance;
  • γc' on effective cohesion;
  • γcu on undrained shear strength;
  • γqu on unconfined strength;
  • γγ on weight density.

NOTE The values to be ascribed to γφ', γc', γcu, γqu, and γγ for use in a country may be found in its National annex to this standard. The recommended values are given in table A.2.

Table A.2 – Partial factors for soil parameters (γM)
Soil parameter Symbol Value
Angle of shearing resistance a γφ' 1,25
Effective cohesion γc' 1,25
Undrained shear strength γcu 1,4
Unconfined strength γqu 1,4
Weight density γγ 1,0
a This factor is applied to tan φ'

Eurocode 7 Geotechnical design Part 1 : General rules