Annex X



X.1 Abbreviations and notations

The following notations have been used in this annex.

American Society for Testing and Materials,
British Standard
Dansk Geoteknisk Forening (Danish Geotechnical Society),
Deutsche Industrienorm (German Industrial Standard)
European Technical Committee (of ISSMGE),
International Society of Rock Mechanics,
International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering.
Nederlandse norm, (Dutch Standard)
Norme Francaise, (French Standard)
Schweizer Norm, (Swiss Standard)
Svensk Standard (Swedish Standard)

X.2 Documents related to soil and rock sampling and groundwater measurements

BS 5930:1999, Code of practice for site investigations

DIN 4021:1990, Ground exploration by excavation, boring and sampling

Hvorslev, M.J.

Subsurface exploration and sampling of soils for civil engineering purposes. US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Miss, USA, 1949

NF XP, P 94-202:1995, Sols: Reconnaissance el essais. Prélèvement des sols et des roches. Méthodologie et procédures

Svensson, C.

Analysis and use of groundwater level observations.

Gothenburg: Diss. Chalmers University of Technology. Dept. Geology. Publ. A 49, 1984. (In Swedish with abstract and summary in English)

X.3 Field tests8

X.3.1 Cone penetration test

Bergdahl, U., Ottosson, E., Malmborg, B.S.

Plattgrundläggning (Spread foundations) (in Swedish)

Stockholm: AB Svensk Byggtjänst, 1993

282 pages

Biedermann, B.

Comparative investigations with sounding methods in silt.

Forschungsberichte aus Bodenmechanik und Grundbau Nr. 9 (In German).

Aachen: Technische Hochschule, 1984

DIN 1054:2003

Baugrund – Sicherheitsnachweise im Erd– und Grundbau.

(Subsoil – verification of the safety of earthworks and foundation) (in German)

DIN 4094-1:2002

Baugrund – Felduntersuchungen -Teil 1: Drueksondierungen

(Subsoil – Field investigations – Part 1: Cone penetration tests) (in German).

Lunne, T., Robertson, P.K., Powell, J.J.M.

Cone penetration testing in geotechnical practice.

Originally London: Blackie Academic & Professional, then New York: Spon Press and E&F Spoil,


312 pages

Melzer. K.J., Bergdahl U.

Geotechnical field investigations.

Geotechnical Engineering Handbook, Volume 1: Fundamentals.

Berlin: Ernst & Sohn. 2002


NEN 6743-1:2006

Geotechniek – Berekeningsmethode voor funderingen op palen. Drukpalen.

(Geotechnics – Calculation method for bearing capacity of pile foundations. Compression piles)

Schmertmann, J.H.

Static cone to compute settlement over sand

Jnl Soil Mech. Fdns Div., ASCE, 96, SM3, May, 1970

pp 1011-1043

Schmertmann, J.H., Hartman J.P., Brown, P.R.

Improved strain influence factor diagrams

Jnl Geotech. Enging Div., ASCE, 104, GT8, Proc. Paper 7302, August, 1978

pp 1131-1135

Sanglerat. G.

The penetrometer and soil exploration

Amsterdam: Elsevier Publishing Company, 1972

464 pages

Stenzel, G., Melzer, K.J.

Soil investigations by penetration testing according to DIN 4094. (In German)

Tiefbau 20, S., 1978

pp 155-160, 240-244.

X.3.2 Pressuremeter test

EN ISO 22476-7 Geotechnical investigation and testing — Field testing — Part 7: Borehole jack test

Clarke B.G, Gambin M.P.

Pressuremeter testing in onshore ground investigations.

A report by 1SSMGE Committee TC 16.

Atlanta: Proc. 1st Int. Conf. on Site Characterization, 1998

Vol. 2, 1429-1468

Clarke. B.G.

Pressuremeters in Geotechnical design.

Glasgow; Blackie Academic and Professional, 1995

364 pages

Ministère de l'Equipement du Logement et des Transports (1993)

Règles techniques de conception et de calcul des fountdations des ouvrages de Génie civil, CCTG,

Fascicule no. 62, Titre V.

X.3.3 Standard penetration test

Burland, J.B. and Burbridge, M.C.

Settlements of foundations on sand and gravel

UK: Proceedings Inst. Civil Engineers, Part 1, 78, Dec, 1985

pp 1325-1381.

Canadian Foundation Engineering Manual

Third Edition, Canadian Geotechnical Society, 1992

Technical Committee on Foundations,

BiTech Publishers Ltd, 1995.

Clayton C.R.I.

The Standard Penetration Test (SPT): methods and use.

London: Construction Industry Research Information Association (CIRIA), Report 143

143 pages

Skempton, A.W.

Standard penetration test procedures and the effects in sands of overburden pressure relative density, particle size, ageing and over-consolidation

Geotechnique 36, No. 3, 1986;

pp 425-447.

US Army Corps of Engineers

ASCE, Technical Engineering and design guides as adapted from the US Army Corps of Engineers. No. 7:

Bearing capacity of soils (1993), ASCE Press.

X.3.4 Dynamic probing test

Bergdahl, U., Ottosson, E.. Malmborg, B.S.

Plattgrundläggning (Spread foundations) (in Swedish)

Stockholm: AB Svensk Byggtjänst, 1993

282 pages.

Biedermann. B.

Comparative investigations with sounding methods in silt

Forschungsberichte aus Bodenmechanik und Grundbau Nr. 9 (In German)

Aachen: Technische Hochschule, 1984

Butcher, A.P. McElmeel, K., Powell, J.J.M.

Dynamic probing and its use in clay soils.

Proc Int Confon Advances in Site Investigation Practice.

London: Inst, Civil Engineers, 1995

pp 383-395.

DIN 4094-3:2002

Baugrund – Felduntersuchungen – Teil 3: Rammsondierungen

(Subsoil – Field investigations -Part 3: Dynamic probing) (in German).

DIN V 1054-100:1996

Baugrund —Sicherheitsnachweise im Erd– und Grundbau, Teil 100: Berechnung nach dem Konzept mit Teilsicherheitsbeiwerten

(Soil verification of the safety of earthworks and foundation. Part 100: Analysis in accordance with the partial safety factor concept) (in German).

Recommendations of the Committee for Waterfront Structures, Harbours and Waterways (EAU 1996).

Berlin: W. Ernst & Sohn, 2000

599 pages.

Melzer K.J., Bergdahl, U. (2002)

Geotechnical field investigations.

Geotechnical Engineering Handbook, Volume 1: Fundamentals.

Berlin: Ernst & Sohn, 2002

pages 51-117.

Stenzel, G., Melzer, K.J.

Soil investigations by penetration testing according to DIN 4094.

Tiefbau 20, S. 155 – 160, 240 – 244 (In German), 1978

X.3.5 Weight sounding test

CEN ISO/TS 22476-10, Geotechnical investigation and testing – Field testing – Part 10: Weight sounding test

X.3.6 Field vane test

Aas. G.

Vurdering av korttidsstabilitet i leire på basis av udrenert skjaerfasthet.

(Evaluation of short term stability in clays based on undrained shear strength) (in Norwegian)

NGM -79 Helsingfors, 1979; pp. 588-596.

Aas, G., Lacasse, S., Lunne, T. Höeg, K. (1986)

Use of in-situ tests for foundation design on clay.

ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication 6.

Danish Geotechnical Institute Bulletin No. 7

Copenhagen: DGI, 1959

Hansbo, S.

A new approach to the determination of the shear strength of clay by the fall-cone test

Stockholm: Royal Swedish Geotechnical Institute, Proc. No. 14, 1957

Larsson, R., Bergdahl, U., Erikson, L.

Evaluation of shear strength in cohesive soils with special references to Swedish practice and experience

Linköping: Swedish Geotechnical Institute, Information 3E, 1984

Larsson, R., Åhnberg, H

The effect of slope crest excavations on the stability of slopes

Linköping: Swedish Geotechnical Institute. Report No 63, 2003

Veiledning for utførelse av vingeborr

(Recommendations for vane boring) (in Norwegian)

Melding No. 4, Utgitt 1982, Rev. 1

Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, 1989

Recommended Standard for Field Vane Test

SGF Report 2:93E.

Swedish Geotechnical Society, 1993

X.3.7 Flat dilatometer test

CEN ISO/TS 22476-11, Geotechnical investigation and testing – Field testing – Part II: Flat dilatometer test

Marchetti, S.

In situ test by flat dilatometer

Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division, Proc. ASCE, Vol. 106, N. GT3, 1980

pp 299-321.

Marchetti, S., Monaco, P., Totani, G., Calabrese, M.

The flat dilatometer test (DMT) in soil investigations

ISSMGE TC16 Report;

Bali:Proc. Insitu, 2001

41 pages

X.3.8 Plate loading test

BS 1377-9:1990, Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes — Part 9: In situ vertical settlement and strength tests

Burland, J.B.

Reply to discussion

Proc. conf. on in situ investigations of soils and rock

London: Inst. Civil Engineers, 1969

pp 62.

Bergdahl U., Ottosson E., Malmborg B.S.

Plattgrundläggning (Spread foundations) (in Swedish)

Stockholm: AB Svensk Byggtjänst, 1993

282 pages.

Marsland, A.

Model studies of deep in-situ loading tests in clay.

Civ. Eng. and Pub. Wks. Review, Vol 67, No 792, July 1972

pp 695, 697, 698.

X.4 Documents related to laboratory testing

X.4.1 Tests for classification, identification and description of soil

X.4.1.1 Site investigations

BS 5930:1999, Code of practice for site investigations

X.4.1.2 Water content determination

CEN ISO/TS 17892-1, Geotechnical investigation and testing – Laboratory testing of soil-Part 1: Determination of water content

DIN 18 121:1998, Subsoil; testing procedures and testing equipment, water content, determination by drying in oven

NF P 94-050:1995, Soils: Investigation and testing. Determination of moisture content. Oven drying method

BS 1377-2:1990, Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes — Part 2: Classification tests

SN 670 340:1959, Essais; Teneur en eau / Versuche; Wassergehalt.

ASTM D2216:1998, Test method for laboratory determination of water (moisture) content of soil, rock, and soil-aggregate mixtures

ASTM D2974:2000, Test methods for moisture, ash, and organic matter of peat and other organic soils

ASTM D4542-95(2001), Test methods for pore water extraction and determination of the soluble salt content of soils by refractomeler

SS 0271 16:1989, Geotechnical tests – Water content and degree of saturation

X.4.1.3 Bulk density determination

CEN ISO/TS 17892-2, Geotechnical investigation and testing – Laboratory testing of soil -Part 2: Determination of density of fine soils

DIN 18 125:1997, Soil, investigation and testing – Determination of density of soil Part 1: Laboratory tests

NF P 94-053:1991, Soils, Investigation and testing. Determination of density of fine soils. Cutting curb, mould and water immersion methods. Sols : Reconnaissance et Essais – Détermination de la masse volumique des sols fins en laboratoire – Méthodes de la trousse coupante, du moule et de l'immersion dans l'eau.

BS 1377-2:1990, Methods of test for soil for civil engineering purposes — Part 2: Classification tests

SN 670 335:1960, Versuche; Raumgewicht; Sandersatz-Methode / Essais; Poids specifique apparent; Methode du sable

SS 0271 14:1989, Geotechnical tests – Bulk density

X.4.1.4 Particle density determination

CEN ISO/TS 17892-3, Geotechnical investigation and testing – Laboratory testing of soil -Part 3: Determination of density of soil particles

DIN 18 124:1997 Soil, investigation and testing – Determination of density of solid particles -Capillary pyknometer, wide mouth pyknometer

NF P 94-054:1991, Sols: Reconnaissance et Essais – Détermination de la masse volumique des particules solides des sols – Méthode du pycnomètre à eau

BS 1377-2:1990, Methods of test for soil for civil engineering purposes — Part 2: Classification tests

SN 670 335:1960, Versuche; Raumgewicht; Sandersatz-Methode / Essais; Poids specifique apparent; Methode du sable

ASTM D854-02, Test Method for Specific Gravity of Soils

ASTM D4404:84 (1998), Determination of pore volume and pore volume distribution of soil and rock by mercury intrusion porosimetry

SS 0271 15:1989, Geotechnical tests – Grain density and specific gravity

X.4.1.5 Particle size analysis

CEN ISO/TS 17892-4, Geotechnical investigation and testing – Laboratory testing of soil-Part 4: Determination of particle size distribution

DIN 18 123:1996, Soil, investigation and testing – Determination of grain– size distribution

NF P 94-056:1996, Sols: Reconnaissance et Essais – Analyse granulométrique – Méthode par tamisage à sec après lavage (in French)

XP P 94-041:1995, Sols: Reconnaissance et Essais – Identification granulométrique – Méthode de tamisage par voie humide (in French)

BS 1377-2:1990, Methods of test for soil for civil engineering purposes — Part 2: Classification tests; Subclause 9.2 Wet sieving method

BS 1377-2:1990, Methods of test for soil for civil engineering purposes — Part 2: Classification tests; Subclause 9.5 Sedimentation by the hydrometer method

BS 1377-2:1990, Methods of test for soil for civil engineering purposes — Part 2: Classification tests; Subclause 9.4 Sedimentation by pipette method

SN 670 810c:1986, Granulats mineraux et sols; Analyse granulometrique par tamisage / Mineralische Baustoffe und Lockergesteine; Siebanalyse

SN 670 816:1964. Matériaux pierreux; Sédimentométrie par la méthode de l'aréomètre / Gesteinsmaterialien; Schlämmversuch nach der Araeometermethode

ASTM D2217-85 (1998), Wet preparation of s samples for particle size analysis and determination of soil constants

ASTM D422-63 (1998), Test method for particle size analysis of soil SS 0271 23:1992, Geotechnical tests - Particle size distribution – sieving

SS 0271 24:1992, Geotechnical tests - Particle size distribution – sedimentation, hydrometer method

X.4.1.6 Consistency (Atterberg) limits determination

CEN ISO/TS 17892-12, Geotechnical investigation and testing – Laboratory testing of soil -Part 12: Atterberg limits

DIN 18 122:1997, Soil, investigation and testing Consistency limits Part I: Determination of liquid limit and plastic limit

NF P 94-051:1993, Soils. Investigation and testing. Determination of Atterberg's limits. Liquid limit test using Casagrande apparatus. Plastic limit test on rolled thread

NF P94-052-1:1995. Sols: Reconnaissance et Essais — Determination des limites d'Atterberg — Partie 1 : Limits de liquidité – Méthode du cône de pénétration

BS 1377-2:1990. Methods of test for soil for civil engineering purposes — Part 2: Classification tests; Clause 4 Determination of the liquid limit

BS 1377-2:1990, Methods of test for soil for civil engineering purposes — Part 2: Classification tests; Clause 5 Determination of the plastic limit and plasticity index

SN 670 345:1959, Essais; Limites de consistence / Versuche; Konsistenzgrenzen

SS 0271 20: 1990, Geotechnical tests – Cone liquid limit

SS 0271 21: 1990, Geotechnical tests – Plastic limit

X.4.1.7 Determination of the density index of granular soil

BS 1377-4:1990, Methods of test for soil for civil engineering purposes — Part 4: Compaction related tests; Clause 4 Determination of maximum and minimum dry densities for granular soils

NF P 94-059:2000, Sols: Reconnaissance et Essais – Détermination des masses volumiques minimale et maximale des sols non cohérents

X.4.1.8 Soil dispersibility determination

BS 1377-5:1990, Methods of test for soil for civil engineering purposes — Part 5: Compressibility, permeability and durability tests; Clause 6 Determination of dispersibility

X.4.1.9 Frost susceptibility determination

SN 670 321:1994, Essais sur les sols – Essai de gonflement au gel et essai CBR après dégel/ Versuche an Böden – Frosthebungsversuch und CBR-Versuch nach dem Auftauen

BS 1 377-5:1990, Methods of test for soil for civil engineering purposes — Part 5: Compressibility, permeability and durability tests; Clause 7 Determination of frost heave

X.4.2 Chemical testing of soil and groundwater

X.4.2.1 General

BS 1377-3:1990, Methods of test for soil for civil engineering purposes — Part 3: Chemical and electrochemical tests

X.4.2.2 Organic content determination

BS 1377-3:1990, Methods of test for soil for civil engineering purposes — Part 3: Chemical and electrochemical tests; Clause 4 Determination of the mass loss on ignition or an equivalent method

ASTM D2974:1987, Test methods for moisture, ash, and organic matter of peat and other organic soils

NF P 94-055:1993, Sols: Reconnaissance et Essais – Détermination de la teneur pondérale en matières organiques d'un sol – Méthode chimique

XP P94-047:1998, Sols: Reconnaissance et Essais – Détermination de la teneur pondérale en matière organique – Méthode par calcination

SS 0271 05:1990, Geotechnical tests – Organic content – Ignition loss method SS 0271 07:1990, Geotechnical tests – Organic content – Colorimetric method

X.4.2.3 Carbonate content determination

BS 1377-3:1 990, Methods of test for soil for civil engineering purposes — Part 3: Chemical and electrochemical tests; Clause 6 Determination of the carbonate content

DIN 18129, Soil, investigation and testing – Determination of lime content

Head K.H., Manual of Soil Laboratory Testing. Vol.1: Soil Classification and Compaction Tests, 2nd ed:Vol 1:1992

NF P 94-048:1996, Sols: Reconnaissance et Essais – Détermination de la teneur en carbonate -Méthode du calcimètre

X.4.2.4 Sulfate content determination

BS 1377-3:1990, Methods of test for soil for civil engineering purposes — Part 3: Chemical and electrochemical tests; Clause 5 Determination of the sulfate content of soil and groundwater

X.4.2.5 pH Value determination (acidity and alkalinity)

BS 1377-3:1990, Methods of test for soil for civil engineering purposes — Part 3: Chemical and electrochemical tests; Clause 9 Determination of the pH value

X.4.2.6 Chloride content determination

BS 812-118:1988, Testing aggregates. Methods for determination of sulfate content

BS 1377-3:1990, Methods of test for soil for civil engineering purposes — Part 3: Chemical and electrochemical tests; Subclauses 7.2, 7.3

X.4.3 Strength index testing of soil

X.4.3.1 Laboratory vane

BS 1377-7:1990, Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes — Part 7: Shear strength tests (total stress)

NF P 94-072:1995, Sols: Reconnaissance et Essais – Essai scissométrique en laboratoire

X.4.3.2 Fall cone

CEN ISO/TS 17892-6, Geotechnical investigation and testing – Laboratory testing of soil. – Part 6: Fall cone test

SS 02 7125:1991, Geotechnical test methods. Undrained shear strength. Fall cone test Cohesive soil

X.4.4 Strength testing of soil

X.4.4.1 Unconfined compression

CEN ISO/TS 17892-7, Geotechnical investigation and testing – Laboratory testing of soil -Part 7: Unconfined compression test on fine grained soils

NF P 94-077:1997, Sols: Reconnaissance et Essais – Essai de compression uniaxiale

X.4.4.2 Unconsolidated undrained compression

CEN ISO/TS 17892-8, Geotechnical investigation and testing – Laboratory testing of soil – Part 8: Unconsolidated undrained triaxial test

NF P 94-070:1994, Sols: Reconnaissance et Essais – Essais à l'appareil triaxial de révolution -Généralités, définitions

NF P 94-074:1994. Sols: Reconnaissance et Essais – Essai à l'appareil triaxial de révolution -Appareillage – Preparation des éprouvettes – Essais (UU) non consolidé non drainé – Essai (CU + u) consolidé non drainé avec mesure depression interstitielle – Essai (CD) consolidé drainé.

X.4.4.3 Consolidated triaxial compression test

CEN ISO/TS 17892-9. Geotechnical investigation and testing – Laboratory testing of soil -Part 9: Consolidated triaxial compression tests on water saturated soils

BS 1377-8:1990, Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes — Part 8 Shear strength tests (effective stress)

NF P 94-070:1994. Sols: Reconnaissance et Essais – Essais à l'appareil triaxial de révolution -Généralités, définitions

NF P 94-074:1994, Sols : Reconnaissance et Essais – Essai à l'appareil triaxial de révolution - Appareillage – Préparation des éprouvettes – Essais (UU) non consolidé non drainé – Essai (CU + u) consolidé non drainé avec mesure de pression interstitielle – Essai (CD) consolidé drainé.

X.4.4.4 Consolidated direct shear box tests

CEN ISO/TS 17892-10. Geotechnical investigation and testing – Laboratory testing of soil – Part 10: Direct shear tests

BS 1377-7:1990, Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes — Part 7: Shear strength tests (total stress)

ASTM D 3080-98, Test method for direct shear test of soils under consolidated drained conditions

SS027127, Geotechnical tests – shear strength – Direct shear test, CU– and CD– tests – Cohesive soils

NF P94-071-1:1994 Sols : Reconnaissance et Essais – Essai de cisaillement rectiligne à la boîte -Partie 1 : Cisaillenient direct.

NF P94-071-2:1994, Sols: Reconnaissance et Essais – Essai de cisaillement rectiligne à la boîte -Partie 2 : Cisaillement alterné

X.4.5 Compressibility testing of soil

CEN ISO/TS 17892-5, Geotechnical investigation and testing – Laboratory testing of soil – Part 5: incremental loading oedometer test

BS 1377-5:1990, Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes — Part 5: Compressibility, permeability and durability tests

NS 8017:1991, Geotechnical testing – Laboratory methods – Determination of one-dimensional consolidation properties by oedometer testing – Method using incremental loading

ASTM D2435-96, Test method for One-Dimensional Consolidation Properties of Soils

XP P94-090-1:1997, Sols: Reconnaissance et Essais – Essai oedométrique -Partie 1 : Essai de compressibilité sur matériaux fins quasi saturés avec chargement par palters

XP P 94-091:1995, Sols: Reconnaissance et Essais – Essai de gonflement à 1'oedomètre -Détermination des déformations par chargement de plusieurs éprouvettes

SS 0271 26:1991, Geotechnical tests – Compression properties – Oedometer test, CRS-test -Cohesive soil

SS 0271 29: 1992, Geotechnical texts – Compression properties – Oedometer test, incremental loading – Cohesive soil

X.4.6 Compaction testing of soil

BS 1377-4:1990, Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes — Part 4: Compaction related tests; Clause 3 Determination of dry density/moisture content relationship

BS 1377-4:1990, Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes — Part 4: Compaction related tests: Clause 7 Determination of California Bearing Ratio (CBR)

NOTE ASTM D-698-78, D-1557-78 and AASHTO /99 and T180 might be used for compaction tests and ASTM D1883-94 and AASHTO T193 might be used for the California Bearing Ratio Determination. However, BS 1377:1990 has minor deviations from the specification in the US recommendations, which are used in most road laboratories.

SS027 109, Geotechnical tests – Compaction properties – Laboratory compaction

NF P 94-078:1997, Sols: Reconnaissance et Essais – Indice CBR après immersion – Indice CBR immédiat – Indice Portant Immédiat – Mesure sur échantillon compacté dans le moule CBR

NF P 94-093:1999, Sols: Reconnaissance et Essais – Détermination des références de compactage d'un matériau – Essai Proctor normal – Essai Proctor modifié

X.4.7 Permeability testing of soil

CEN ISO/TS 17892-11, Geotechnical investigation and testing – Laboratory testing of soil -Part II: Permeability test

BS 1377-5:1990, Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes — Part 5: Compressibility, permeability and durability tests

DIN 18130-1:1998, Soil. Investigation and testing. Determination of the coefficient of water permeability. Part 1 Laboratory tests

ISO/DIS 17313, Soil quality – Determination of hydraulic conductivity of saturated porous materials using flexible wall permeameter. ISO/TC 190/SC 5.

NOTE ISO/DIS 17313 relates to environ menial testing and includes some very strict normative clauses not necessary for normal geotechnical purposes.

X.4.8 Preparation of specimen for testing on rock materials

ASTM D4543-01, Preparing Rock Core Specimens and Determining Dimensional and Shape Tolerances

X.4.9 Classification testing of rock materials

X.4.9.1 General

BS 5930:1981, Code of practice for site investigation Section 8 Description and classification of rock for engineering purposes

ISRM Suggested Methods for Rock Characterization, Testing and Monitoring, Part I Site Characterization (1981).

X.4.9.2 Water content determination

ISRM Part 1, Suggested methods for determining water content, porosity, density, absorption and related properties; Section 1 Suggested method for determination of the water content of a rock sample.

X.4.9.3 Density and porosity

ISRM Part 1, Suggested methods for determining water content, porosity, density, absorption and related properties; Section 2 Suggested method for porosity/density determination using saturation and calliper techniques

ISRM Pan 1. Suggested methods for determining water content, porosity, density, absorption and related properties; Section 3 Suggested method for porosity/density determination using saturation and buoyancy techniques

X.4.10 Swelling testing of rock material

X.4.10.1 Swelling pressure index under zero volume change

ISRM Suggested Methods For Determining Swelling and Slake-Durability Index Properties; Test 1 Suggested Method for Determination of the Swelling Pressure Index of Zero Volume Change

X.4.10.2 Swelling strain index for radially confined specimen with axial surcharge

ISRM Suggested Methods For Determining Swelling and Slake-Durability Index Properties; Test 2 Suggested Method for Determination of the Swelling Strain Index for a Radially Confined Specimen with Axial Surcharge

X.4.10.3 Swelling strain developed in Unconfined rock specimen

ISRM Suggested Methods For Determining Swelling and Slake-Durability Index Properties; Test 3 Suggested Method for Determination of the Swelling Strain Developed in an Unconfined Rock Specimen

X.4.11 Strength testing of rock materials

X.4.11.1 Uniaxial compressive strength and deformability

ISRM Suggested Methods For Determining Unconfined Compressive Strength and Deformability

ASTM D 2938:1991. Standard Test Method for Unconfined Compressive Strength of Intact Rock Core Specimens

X.4.11.2 Point load test

ISRM Suggested Method for Determining Point Load Strength;

revised version has been published in International Journal for Rock Mechanics. Min, SCI. & Geomech. Abstr. Vol 22, No. 2, pp. 51-60, 1985

X.4.11.3 Direct shear test

ISRM Suggested Method for Determining Shear Strength, Part 2: Suggested Method For Laboratory Determination of Direct Shear Strength

X.4.11.4 Brazil test

ISRM Suggested Method for Determining Tensile Strength of Rock Materials, Part 2: Suggested Method for Determining Indirect Tensile Strength by the Brazil Test

X.4.11.5 Triaxial compression test

ISRM Suggested Method for Determining the Strength of Rock Materials in Triaxial Compression

X.5 Books, articles and other publications related to laboratory testing

Bieniawski, Z.T. (1989)

Engineering Rock Mass Classification

New York: Wiley

251 p.

BRE Paper BR 279 (19--) "Sulfate and acid attack on concrete in the ground: recommended procedures for soil analysis".

Watford, UK: Building Research Establishment

A guide to engineering geological description

DGF Bulletin l,Rev. 1,

DGF, May 1995

Head, K.H.

Manual of Soil Laboratory Testing. Vol.1: Soil Classification and Compaction Tests, 2nd ed.

London, Pentech Press, 1992

Head, K.H.

Manual of Soil Laboratory Testing. Vol. 2: Permeability, Shear Strength and Compressibility Tests, 2nd ed.

London, Pentech Press, 1994

Head, K.H. (1986)

Manual of Soil Laboratory Testing. Vol. 3: Effective Stress Tests.

London, Pentech Press, 1986

Suggested method for determining point load strength

Min. Sci & Geomech. Abstr. Vol 22, No. 2,

International Journal of Rock Mechanics

ISRM, 1985

pp. 51-60.

Sherard. K.L., Decker, R.S. and Ryker, N.L. (1972)

Piping in Earth Dams of Dispersive Clay Vol. 1, Part 1

Proc. ASCE Specialty Conf. on Performance of Earth and Earth-Supported Structures

West Lafayette, Indiana, Purdue University, June 1972

pp 589-626

Sherard, K.L., Dunnigan, L.P., Decker, R.S. and Steel, E.F.

Pinhole test for identifying dispersive soil

K. Geotechn. Eng. Div., ASCE. Vol. 102, No, GT1 (January), 1976

pp 69-85

Slunga, E. & Saarelainen, S. (1989)

Determination of frost-susceptibility of soil, A.A. Balkema

Proc. of 12th ICSMFE, Vol. 2. Session 19

Rio de Janairo, 13-18 August 1989.

pp 1465-1468

Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design — Part 2: Ground investigation and testing