Eurocode 7 Geotechnical design. Part 3 : Design assisted by fieldtesting

Standard Number
DD ENV 1997-3:2000
Eurocode 7. Geotechnical design. Design assisted by fieldtesting
Publication Date
International Relationships
ENV 1997-3:1999
Eurocode 7 applies to the geotechnical aspects of the design of buildings and civil engineering works. In addition to EN 1997-1 the scope of EN 1997-3 is to provide for a number of commonly used field tests: a) requirements for the equipment and test procedures; b) requirements for the reporting and the presentation of test results; c) interpretation of test results. Part 3 shall serve as a link between the design requirements of Part 1 and the results of a number of field tests. Therefore part of the scope is to give: d) examples on how to derive values of geotechnical parameters from the test results.
Soil mechanics, Structural systems, Buildings, Construction engineering works, Structural design, Site investigations, Soil testing, Soil sampling, Soils, Rocks, Ground water, Soil surveys, Field testing
Title in French
Eurocode 7. Conception geotechnique. Conception assistee par essais EN service
Title in German
Eurocode 7. Entwurf, Berechnung und Bemessung in der Geotechnik. Felduntersuchungen fuer die geotechnische Bemessung
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