9 Supervision, testing and monitoring
9.1 Supervision - A suitably qualified and experienced person shall be responsible for checking that the construction complies with the design and all other contract documents.
9.2 Monitoring - Monitoring of all works connected with the execution of various stages of reinforced fill construction shall be in accordance with the method statement made to fulfil the design and the project specification.
9.3 Testing - The testing for reinforced fill structures shall be in accordance with EN 1997-1 or the specifications of the design. The records of any testing shall provide the test method and procedure, test results and the conclusions and relevance to the reinforced fill structure.
9.4 The level of supervision, monitoring and testing shall be in accordance with the specification of the design, see 4.6.
9.5 The type, extent and accuracy of monitoring and testing requirements on and off site should be clearly shown in the specification and organised before work commences on site.
9.6 Unless specified in the Design, supervision should relate to:
- a) site preparation: topography, geotechnical data, set-up, geometry of excavations, foundation pad (if applicable);
- b) fills: conformity with design: characteristics, placing and compaction, monitoring and testing when necessary;
- c) reinforcement: conformity with design, reception, handling, storage, placing, damage during installation, prestressing of reinforcement (if applicable), monitoring and testing when necessary;
- d) facing materials: conformity with design, installation of facing elements, alignments and displacements, finishings, monitoring and testing when necessary;
- e) drainage: base / foundation, back slope, layer drainage during installation, other drainage systems needed.
10 Records
10.1 Records during construction
10.1.1 If required records shall be made of relevant aspects of the construction including: weather conditions, progress of the works, supervision, tests and observations as specified in clause 9.
10.2 Records at the completion of the works
If required records shall be made of the as-built works including:
- records as in 10.1.1 above;
- information showing the "as-built" reinforced fill works in full detail especially any changes from the initial drawings and specifications;
- details of materials used;
- the position of all culverts, fences, underground cables, pipes and the like;
- details of the foundation soils and conditions and other relevant geotechnical conditions;
- any restrictions concerning surcharge loads which the construction may support;
- any special features or precautions that may be necessary if the structure has to be demolished;
- details and location of any durability samples installed together with recommendations for the method and times for their extraction and subsequent testing;
- any particular recommendations for inspection and maintenance.
Records should be kept after the end of the works for the time period stated in the project specification.
11 Specific requirements
11.1 General
11.1.1 Consideration shall be taken of relevant standards, specifications, or statutory requirements regarding:
- security of the site;
- safety of the working procedure and;
- operational safety of compaction plant, hoisting appliances and other auxiliary plant, equipment and tools.
11.1.2 Particular attention shall be given to all processes requiring men operating alongside heavy equipment and heavy tools. The main risks to be considered include:
- moving plant and machinery, primarily lorries, excavator/loaders, compaction plant and drilling rigs;
- falling over unprotected edge of wall or steep slope during construction;
- lifting and placing of facing panels.
11.1.3 Care shall be taken to ensure that unauthorised persons cannot readily gain access to the site.
11.2 Protection of the environment
11.2.1 Measures shall be taken in order to limit or avoid adverse effects on the environment.
NOTE Attention is drawn to national standards and statutory requirements concerning environmental protection.
11.2.2 The following risks to the environment shall be considered:
- induced movement in the ground or adjacent structures;
- pollution of surface water and ground water;
- unacceptable changes in ground water flow;
- air pollution;
- noise.