E.4 Test Method 3

E.4.1 Investigation Test - Loading Procedure

The anchor should be loaded to failure (Ra) or to a proof load (Pp) which should be limited to 0,80 Ptk or 0,90 Pt0,1k whichever is the lower.

The anchor should be loaded to the maximum test load by a minimum of six load steps, see Figure E.3.a).

The load steps and minimum periods of observation are given in Table E.3.

The minimum periods of observation can be reduced to 30 min if no significant creep occurs.

E.4.2 Suitability Test - Loading Procedure

The proof load required for the working anchor should be:

Pp 1,25 P0 or PpRd

whichever is greater.

The load in the tendon should not exceed 0,90 Pt0,1k.

The anchor may be loaded to the maximum test load in a minimum of five steps by the omission of the first step in Figure E.3b).

The load steps and minimum periods of observation are given in Table E.4.

The maximum creep displacement (α) at the proof load level of Suitability Tests should be less than 0,8 mm per log. cycle of time (see Figure E.4) where Investigation Tests have not been carried out. Where Tests have been carried out then a at the proof load level of the Suitability Test should be less than:

  • 1,2 mm/log time for a temporary anchor;
  • 1,0 mm/log time for a permanent anchor.

In any case the proof load level of the Suitability Test for the project anchors should be not greater than Pc.

E.4.3 Acceptance Test - Loading Procedure

The anchor should be loaded from the datum load Pa to proof load Pp of 1,25 P0 or Rd in a minimum of four increments. Then the proof load is maintained constant for at least 15 min.

After the proof load has been maintained for the desired period the contractor can carry out a partial or total unloading-loading cycle, see Figure E.3 c).

NOTE The load-extension curves may provide additional information about the ground and behaviour of the anchor components in the ground.

Where Test Method 3 is used in accordance with 9.4, the apparent tendon free length may be calculated from the datum load to the proof load curve using the method shown in Figure E.3 c). Where there is significant friction in the free length a partial cycle may be performed and the apparent tendon free length calculated from the established no-friction curve to determine ΔP and Δs.

The displacement due to creep at proof load should be measured between the 3rd and 15th min. The corresponding α should be less than:

  • 1,2 mm for permanent or temporary anchors without Investigation Tests;
  • 1,5 mm for permanent anchors with Investigation Tests;
  • 1,8 mm for temporary anchors with Investigation Tests.

E.4.4 Measurement of Creep and Characteristic Load

Creep and characteristic loads should be measured and evaluated as follows:

— the increment of anchor head displacement relative to a fixed point should be measured at each step of loading at different times;

— the creep displacement a should be determined at each step of loading as indicated in Figure E.4. The creep displacement a is defined as the slope of the anchor head displacement versus log. time curve at the end of each loading step;

— the anchor resistance Ra is the load corresponding to the vertical asymptote of the a versus load curve. If the asymptote cannot be determined, it is considered that Ra is the load corresponding to an a value equal to 5 mm, see Figure E.5;

— the critical creep load Pc should be determined as indicated on Figure E.5. The critical creep load is the load corresponding to the end of the first linear part of the α versus load curve. Where it is difficult to determine Pc accurately an alternative resistance Pc' is determined as indicated in Figure E.5 and Pc is defined by:

Pc = 0,9 Pc'

Measurement of creep displacement should be made at the times indicated below, after each change in load. The periods of observation for each step are:

  • investigation test - 30 min or 60 min;
  • suitability test - 30 min or 60 min;
  • acceptance test - not less than 15 min at proof load.

The successive monitoring times (in minutes) at each step are as follows:

1 → 2 → 3 → 4 → 5 → 7 → 10 → 15 → 20 → 30 →45 → 60

Investigation test Suitability test
a) Investigation test b) Suitability test


  • 1 Applied load in % of P10.1k
  • 2 Anchor displacement
  • 3 Applied load in % of Pp
  • 4 Proof load
  • 5 Anchor displacement
Acceptance test

c) Acceptance test


1 Applied Load
2 Creep
3 Proof load
4 Friction f as proportion pfPp
5 Without cycle
6 Anchor displacement
7 Applied load
8 Creep
9 Proof load
10 Friction f as proportion pfPp
11 With partial cycle
12 Anchor displacement

Lapp=At · Et · Δs/ΔP(1 – f)

Figure E.3 — Loading procedures for Test Method 3
Creep displacement vs log time and slope αn for Test Method 3


  • 1 Creep displacement
Figure E.4 — Creep displacement vs log time and slope αn for Test Method 3


Creep vs applied load for Test Method 3


  • 1 Slope
  • 2 Applied load
Figure E.5 — Creep vs applied load for Test Method 3


E.5 General tables for loading procedure. Test methods 1, 2, and 3

Table E.1 — Load cycles and minimum periods of observation for Investigation and Suitability tests on anchors, Test Methods 1 and 2
Load levels %Pp Minimum period of observation in minutes
(Test Method 1 only)
cycle 1 cycle 2 cycle 3 cycle 4 cycle 5 cycle 6  
10 10 10 10 10 10 1
  25 40 55 70 85 1
25 40 55 70 85 100* 15 (60 or 1801))
  25 40 55 70 85 1
10 10 10 10 10 10 1
1) In Test Method 2, where the peak load is the lock-off load P0 the period of observation is extended - see Table E.2.
Table E.2 — Times and periods of observation and acceptance criteria for load loss, Test Method 2
Time of observation in minutes
Time period
Permissible cumulative loss of load kl
(% Applied Load)
5 1 1
15 2 2
50 3 3
150 4 4
500 5 5
1 500 (approx 1 day) 6 6
5 000 (approx 3 days) 7 7
15 000 (approx 10 days) 8 8
Table E.3 — Load steps and minimum periods of observation for Investigation Tests on anchors, Test Method 3
Load increments %Pt0,1k1) 2) 3)
Datum load Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step number
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 %Pt0,1k
0 60
Period of observation (minutes)
1) Commence at Datum Load Pa = 0,1Pt0,1k.
2)Pmax ≤ 0,9Pt0,1k.
3) Example given for 8 steps.
Table E.4 — Load steps and minimum periods of observation for Suitability Tests on anchors, Test Method 3
Load increments %PP for working anchors 1) 2)
Datum Load Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step number
10 25 40 55 70 85 100 % of Pp
0 60
Period of observation (minutes)
1) Commence at Datum Load Pa = 0,1Pp
2) Example given for 6 steps

EN 1537:1999 Execution of special geotechnical works – Ground anchors