10 Records
An anchor installation plan shall be prepared and shall be available on site containing the technical specification related to the anchor system to be used.
NOTE An anchor installation plan may contain the following information, as appropriate:
- the anchor type with designation;
- number of anchors;
- the location and orientation of each anchor and tolerances in position;
- free anchor length and fixed anchor length;
- required anchor load carrying capacity and lock-off load;
- installation technique (drilling, placing, grouting and stressing);
- known obstructions;
- any other constraints on anchoring activities.
Records of anchor construction shall be compiled in accordance with ENV 1997-1, for future reference. These shall cover:
- the sequence of deliveries of all cementitious materials, resins and hardeners, cement and resin grouts;
- site investigation;
- drilling technique;
- installation and geometry of anchor elements;
- date and time of installation of each anchor;
- for grouted anchors: - material, pressure, grouted volume, grouting length, grouting time;
- installation of the chosen corrosion protection;
- grouting;
- stressing;
- anchor testing.
A signed record shall be kept for each anchor installation. This record shall include any special features of construction. All installation and testing records shall be kept after the completion of the works. As-built plans shall be compiled after completion of the anchors and kept with the construction records. Any acceptance certificates issued by regulatory authorities for materials used in the anchor installation shall be held with the construction records.
Copies of all records described in this clause should be deposited such that they may be consulted by interested parties in the future.
Examples of suitable record sheets are given in annex F.
11 Special requirements
When executing anchor works all national standards, specifications or statutory requirements regarding:
- security of the site;
- safety of the working procedures; and
- operational safety of drilling and auxiliary equipment and tools should be complied with.
Particular attention shall be drawn to all processes requiring personnel operating alongside heavy equipment and heavy tools.
Nuisance and/or environmental damage that can be caused by the anchor work shall be kept to a minimum. Such nuisance and/or environmental damage can be caused by:
- noise;
- ground vibration;
- ground pollution;
- surface water pollution;
- groundwater pollution;
- air pollution.
During stressing safety precautions are essential.
Operatives and observers should stand to one side of the tensioning equipment and never pass behind when it is under load.
Notices should be displayed stating 'DANGER - Tensioning in Progress' or something similar.