12 Report
12.1Field report
12.1.1 General
At the project site, for each borehole, etc., a field report of sampling and groundwater measurements shall be completed. This field report shall consists of the following, if applicable:
- a) summary log (see 12.1.2);
- b) drilling record (see 12.1.3);
- c) sampling record (see 12.1.4);
- d) record of identification anddescription of soil and rock (see 12.1.5);
- e) backfilling record (see 12.1.6);
- f) record of the installation of piezometers (see 12.1.7);
- g) record of groundwater measurements (see 12.1.8).
All field investigationsshall be recorded and reported such thatthird persons are able to check and understand the results.
12.1.2 Summary log
The summary log shall include the following essential information, if applicable (see also B.1).
a) General information:
- 1) name of the enterprise performing the sampling and/or groundwater measurements;
- 2) name of the client or representative;
- 3) date of sampling and/or groundwater measurements;
- 4) identification of the project;
- 5) number of the borehole, trial pit, heading or shaft.
b) Information on the project site:
- 1) position and elevation of the borehole, trial pit, heading or shaft location;
- 2) borehole direction: inclination and orientation;
- 3) whenever possible, the depth of the free groundwater surface.
c) Other information:
- 1) the specifications and the type of sampler used;
- 2) any interruptions, obstructions and difficulties encountered during the sampling operation, drilling, excavation or groundwater measurements;
- 3) information on any attached records;
- 4) name and signature of the qualified operator.
12.1.3 Drilling record
The drilling record shall be attached to the summary log and include the following essential information, if applicable (see also B.2).
a) General information:
- 1) name of the enterprise performing the drilling;
- 2) name of the client or representative;
- 3) date of drilling;
- 4) identification of the project;
- 5) identification of the borehole.
b) Information on the used equipment:
- 1) cutting tool (type of drill bit);
- 2) depth where a bit was changed;
- 3) the method of the pre-drilling, if used;
- 4) ramming used;
- 5) the use of the casing.
c) Information on the execution:
- 1) borehole diameters;
- 2) depth of the casing tip;
- 3) the use of flushing medium and the level of the flushing medium in the borehole;
- 4) colour and colour shifts of flushing medium;
- 5) loss, if any, of flushing medium;
- 6) flushing medium pressure and circulated volume;
- 7) drilling parameters.
d) Other information:
- 1) name and signature of the qualified operator.
12.1.4 Sampling record
The sampling report shall be clear and accurate, and it may contain not only the data required for determination of the soil and rock strata and the location (x, y, z) of the samples obtained but also any observations which will contribute to an estimate of the conditionof the samples and the physical properties of the soil and rock mass in situ.
The sampling record shall be attached to the summary log and include the following essential information, if applicable (see also B.3).
a) General information:
- 1) name of the enterprise performing the sampling;
- 2) name of the client or representative;
- 3) number of the sample;
- 4) date of sampling;
- 5) identification of the project;
- 6) identification of the borehole, trial pit, heading or shaft;
b) Information on the used equipment:
- 1) the specifications and the type of sampler used;
- 2) cutting edge damaged;
- 3) core lifter used.
c) Information on the sampling procedure:
- 1) the diameter or the size of the sample;
- 2) the position (top and bottom of the sample) and the length of the sample;
- 3) the core run interval;
- 4) determination of the rock quality and core recovery according to Clause 7 (TCR, RQD, SCR);
- 5) disturbance of the sample;
- 6) sample container filled up;
- 7) number of the liner or other identification of sample;
- 8) ramming used during cutting of the sample;
- 9) sampling methods.
d) Other information:
- 1) preliminary identification of the soil or rock type;
- 2) for water samples: the temperature, pH-value fixing agents, sampling operations;
- 3) name and signature of the qualified operator. All unsuccessful sampling operations shall be recorded.
12.1.5 Record of identification and description of soil and rock
The record of identification and description of soil and rock shall be attached to the summary log and include the following essential information, if applicable (see also B.4):
- a) name of the enterprise performing the sampling;
- b) name of the client or representative;
- c) date of the sampling;
- d) identification of the project;
- e) identification of the borehole, trial pit, heading or shaft;
- f) orientation and diameter of the borehole;
- g) sampling methods;
- h) preliminary identification and description of the soil and rock based on the visual examination, according to ISO 14688-1 and ISO 14689-1;
- i) photographic documentation of the obtained cores/samples;
- j) name and signature of the qualified operator.
12.1.6 Backfilling record
The record of the applied backfilling shall be attached to the summary log and include the following essential information, if applicable (see also B.5):
- a) name of the enterprise performing the backfilling;
- b) name of the client or representative;
- c) date of backfilling;
- d) identification of the project;
- e) identification of the borehole, trial pit, heading or shaft;
- f) backfilling material and process;
- g) sections of backfilling;
- h) name and signature of the qualified operator.