4 Drilling rigs and ancillary equipment
4.1 General
The drilling and sampling equipment selected shall be of the appropriate size and type in order to produce the required quality.
If applicable, the drilling and sampling equipment shall be in accordance with ISO 3351-1, ISO 3352-1 and ISO 10097-1.
4.2 Requirements for the drilling rigs and equipment
Drilling rigs with appropriate stability, power and equipment such as drill rods, casing, corebarrels and bits shall be selected in order that the required sampling and borehole tests can be carried out to the required depth of the borehole and sampling categories.
NOTE Annex Cgives a selection of equipment which is currently used.
4.3 Equipment scope
The drilling rig and equipment shall allow all drilling functions to be adjusted accurately. When specified, the following drilling parameters should be measured and recorded against depth:
- drill head rotational torque (Nm)
- drill head rotational speed (min–1);
- feed thrust and pulling force (kN);
- penetration rate (m/min);
- depth of hammering intervals (on/off);
- topographical depth (m);
- azimuth and inclination when inclined drilling (degree);
- drilled length when inclined drilling (m);
- flushing medium pressure at the output of the pump (kPa);
- flushing medium circulation rate (input) (l/min);
- flushing medium recovery rate (l/min).