3 Terms, definitions and symbols

3.1 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply:


flexible dilatometer

cylindrical flexible probe which can be expanded by the application of hydraulic pressure or pressurized gas and which contains transducers for the measurement of the displacements of the flexible membrane and of the internal pressure


equipment for flexible dilatometer test

complete equipment which is necessary to carry out a flexible dilatometer test: the probe, a hydraulic pump or high-pressure gas in bottles, a measuring unit and cables to connect the probe to the measuring unit and the hydraulic pump or the gas bottle

NOTE The parts which are necessary to bring the flexible dilatometer probe to the testing point are not included.


dilatometer sounding

whole series of successive operations in a given borehole, i.e. forming dilatometer pockets and performing dilatometer tests in them


dilatometer test pocket

cylindrical cavity with circular cross-section drilled into the ground to receive the dilatometer probe


flexible dilatometer test

process of expanding the flexible dilatometer so as to press the flexible membrane against the pocket wall and so measure the associated expansion as a function of pressure and time (see Figure 1)


nominal diameter of the pocket

diameter of the pocket at the time of application of the seating pressure


seating pressure

pressure during the expansion of the dilatometer at which the dilatometer membrane contacts the pocket wall


pressure increment

fixed increase of pressure in the flexible dilatometer, according to a pre-determined programme and recorded in the control unit

NOTE It can also be a decrement.


diametral pocket displacement

displacement of pocket wall caused by an increase or decrease of any pressure


diameter increase/decrease

change in flexible dilatometer diameter and in pocket wall displacement caused by a pressure increment/decrement, and recorded in the measurement unit


flexible dilatometer curve

graphical plot of pressure versus the associated pocket wall displacement


flexible dilatometer shear modulus, GFDT

shear modulus calculated from the slope over various intervals of pressure and pocket wall displacement


flexible dilatometer modulus, EFDT

Young's modulus calculated from the slope over various intervals of pressure and pocket wall displacement


depth of test

distance between the ground level and the centre of the expanding length of the dilatometer measured along the borehole axis (see Figure 2)



qualified person who carries out the test

3.2 Symbols and abbreviations

For the purposes of this document, the symbols given in Table 1 apply.

Table 1 — Symbols
Symbol Description Unit
a Membrane compression coefficient in variant В dilatometer mm.MPa–1
d Corrected pocket diameter mm
d1 Corrected pocket diameter at time t1 mm
d2 Corrected pocket diameter at time t2 mm
dc Compression calibration cylinder diameter mm
dd External diameter of the dilatometer mm
dr Pocket diameter as read at the measuring unit mm
ds Nominal diameter of the pocket after application of the seating pressure mm
EFDT Young's Modulus of flexible dilatometer test MPa
G1 Loading shear modulus in procedure С MPa
GFDT Shear modulus of flexible dilatometer test MPa
GL Loading shear modulus of flexible dilatometer test MPa
Cr Reloading shear modulus of flexible dilatometer test MPa
GU Unloading shear modulus of flexible dilatometer test MPa
Gur Unloading/reloading shear modulus of flexible dilatometer test MPa
kf Creep parameter mm
LFD Length of the expanding part of the probe mm
Lg Axial distance between transducer or LVDT section and membrane clamping ring mm
Ld Length of the measuring segment of the dilatometer mm
p Applied pressure after correction MPa
p1.1 Constant full relief pressure for loops in procedure A MPa
p1 Pressure at reversal point at first loop MPa
p2 Pressure at reversal point at second loop MPa
p3 Pressure at reversal point at third loop MPa
pmax Maximum applied pressure during a test MPa
pm Pressure loss associated with membrane stiffness MPa
pLi Range of applied pressure in loading phase no. i MPa
pRi Range of applied pressure in reloading phase no. i MPa
pUi Range of applied pressure in unloading phase no. i MPa
pr Pressure as read at the measuring unit MPa
ps Seating pressure MPa
py Yield pressure during dilatometer test in procedure С MPa
t Time min
t1 Time 1 of a constant pressure test min
t2 Time 2 of a constant pressure test min
z Test depth m
Δdr Increase of diametral displacement of the pocket mm
Δd Corrected increase of diametral pocket displacement mm
Δрr Increment of applied pressure as read on the control unit MPa
Δр Corrected increment of applied pressure MPa
v Poisson's ratio

ISO 22476-5:2012 Field testing — Part 5: Flexible dilatometer test